Thursday, 12 May 2016

How was your day?

"How was your day?" asked my husband as we kind of ask each other every night.

Well this women called me today because she was like really super angry with me.  Which I get, because I had to tell her some stuff that wasn't really what she wanted hear the other day.  So she called me to yell at me, and whilst in the midst of yelling at me, she was all like "Can you hold, I have another call" and I went to answer NO but she just put me on hold, so I hung up.  Then I went to lunch and when I came back she had left me two messages asking why I would ended the call as our conversation clearly was NOT over and she told me she had another call.

An then I got home and the kids wanted to go in the hot tub and they were covered in ice cream because we went out for ice cream, and I didn't really want to bath them so I said yes.  So while they were in the hot tub,  I was eating their Easter chocolate and I heard them fighting.  So I went to see what they were fighting about.  Turns out they were fighting over bubbles in the hot tub, which is really just a clear indicator that it is super dirty and the water should be changed.  So I went back to eating their chocolate but they kept fighting so I made them get out which kind of sucked because I didn't really have anything else planned for the night, and I also had to put the rest of the chocolate back.

After that I bribed them to go to sleep and stop talking.  

So you know the usual.  

Then I asked him "how was your day"?

"Good", he said.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Feeding Frenzie

Someone must be able to relate.  I am continually hearing from my friends about their children being picky eaters.  How they will only eat certain foods and that they struggle to make sure they are getting enough everyday let alone a balanced diet.

Well in my  house we seem to suffer from the opposite problem.  My husband and I both love food and cooking.  I have a strong belief in eating whole food and trying new things; this typically means we don't eat much in the way of pre-prepared meals.  Our children are not picky eaters at all and usually are up for trying just about anything.  In fact my oldest convinced me to try tofu noodles the other day that I was unsure about and we all ended up enjoying them.   My youngest's favourite food is roasted brussel sprouts.  The other day after a much awaited trip by them to MacDonald's due to the toy appearing in the happy meals this month my oldest ordered a chicken caesar salad with water (which means I got a happy meal so we would have two toys!).

Now don't get me wrong I think it is fantastic that our girls are adventurous eaters.  They bring pumpkin ravioli and gumbo with chorizo in their lunches and its great.

The thing is, they love food.  The problem is, they love food.

From the time they began eating I have been surprised by the amount they can pack away.  I find myself saying daily "You don't have to eat all the food today!"  and "Don't worry we will have it again another time.".  When I tell my friends their normal replies are either " You're so lucky" or "I wish".

In  a way they may be right.  I can't imagine continually having to fight with them to get them to eat or try new things.  That would be awful; however, what we have is not the greatest.  I feel like I have to cut them off from thirds or fourths on a regular basis.  In my group of friends this does not appear to happen with them.

When they were little and we would head to play group after they had already eaten two breakfasts to start they day.  They person running the program would announce that it would soon be snack time and therefore you should clean up and wash your hands.  Some children were too busy playing to be bothered to stop and eat.  My two however always had their toys tidied, hands washed and were sitting nicely at the table ready to dig in in the blink of an eye.  I remember cutting them off after their third helping and feeling people's eyes burning into me as I tried to explain that they really had already eaten A LOT that day.  I felt as though I was reciting "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" trying to explain what they had already downed!  I'm sure there must have been much chatter about my poor unfed children.  Little did they know that  they were actually eating me out of house and home!

I have to believe that someone else must be able to relate!

Friday, 1 January 2016

Our 12 Days of Christmas

Another Christmas season has past in a blur.  Every year I feel as though our family along with everyone else is trying to pack there months of activities into December.  This year although not the most popular decision I decided that we were not going to do everything.  With that being said we still did way too much.  I thought I would take this time to share our families last twelve days prior to Christmas this year.

Counting backwards this begins on December 14th.
Jingle Day at my girls school.  As per the usual I totally forgot about the fact that everyday during the last week of school is designated with something special to wear until the last minute.  What every happened to just plain old and red & green day?  So what does when wear for Jingle Day?  Well dollar store bells tied in your hair of coarse.

December 15th
If memory serves me correct this was Christmas hat and sock day?  Also this was the night they had planned a Christmas play at the school.  All went relatively well except for our youngest being "that child" but that seems to happen often.

December 16th
Glitter day. That's right Glitter Day.  Enough said.

December 17th
Ugly Christmas sweater day and a turkey dinner.  Thankfully this means at least I didn't have to pack them lunches.  This also means a last minute shopping for an ugly sweater with no luck.  Apparently they were big sellers and were all sold out.  In the end they wore Christmas pyjama tops that someone else bought for them.

December 18th
Last day of school followed by a late night dress rehearsal.  Because the group they dance with must complete a dress rehearsal and it must be completed in the same order as the show (Silly suggestion to go youngest to oldest).  The dress rehearsals are guaranteed to be running late and typically we don't arrive home till nearly 10:00pm.  Of coarse by this time they are overtired and angry.  By the end of our 45minutes drive they were both in tears and toys had been taken away for upwards of the next three months.

December 19th
Christmas dance show.  Yes after the rehearsal is the show.  Back at the stage in full costume and make-up with a full 14hours between leaving the rehearsal.

December 20th
Way too wired children off of school nearly a full week before Christmas.  By this time they are already exhausted and don't even realize it and I am way too exhausted and do realize it.

December 21st
Start and finish Christmas Shopping praying the shelves aren't cleared.  Success!

December 22nd
Late night wrapping party for one including wine.

December 23rd
First puking child, but at least it's before Christmas.

December 24th
Unwrapping gifts to find one particular one and rewrap it in "Santa Paper".  All this because I found out that my mom purchased gifts that only Santa can make late night Christmas Eve.

December 25th
Second puking child

Upon reflection the only magical thing about Christmas is that we all make it through each year and actually look forward to it again the following year!