Friday, 7 June 2013

Cake & Friends

We recently celebrated our oldest child's 4th birthday.  We have now attended a couple of parties for other children and were thinking for throwing her first official bash this year including "friends" (children she currently stands beside while she plays more or less on her own).  I started to Google ideas for themes and food and other fun festivities. There are many companies offering beautiful packages to outsource this planning on behalf of your child with great ideas.  I had settled on the theme of Princess and Pirates as these are currently two of her favourite things at this particular moment and also very popular.  I was undecided with how much I thought I may outsource.
Next I started to create a guest list along with my soon to be 4 year old of all her friends from school.  Soon my count was over 20 and growing fast.  As I looked at possible activities including hiring some sort of professional to entertain, goody bags, craft idea and maybe a bounce house I soon realized that my first endeavour into party planning for my 4 year old would probably cost more than my wedding and would be setting a standard on which we would be expected to meet each year. 
After still having mommy gilt for being away for her Birthday last year and telling her she was born on a different date so I could celebrate with her I continued to look at the party option.  I calculated and justified to myself that really you only host this type of party approximately 5 times for each child as once they are around 9 I am sure they would just prefer a sleep over with friends.
I spoke other mom's and friends who all had many suggestions of great creative ideas.  I searched Pinterest and found beautiful crafty ideas and photos.  Then I realized that I do not have "Oprah money" or even a fraction of the time required to pull this type of thing off. 

Yet another time in which I must take and step back and breathe. 
Upon further reflection and the fact that as per the usual I had waited until less than a week until her Birthday to seriously look at any of the information we decided against the party.  We had a homemade (boxed) cake and ice cream (store bought a.k.a. outsourced) with our neighbours and close family. 
Maybe next year there will be a party.


  1. This is great Kenzie. Look forward to reading more blog posts.
    Oh children's birthdays....I am slowly learning they don't really care how big or extravagant they long as they get a few gifts to open and cake, things seem to be all good. haha

    1. So true, we as parents probably care more about the details then our children do. I am going to work on posting something weekly- so far so good!
