Friday, 6 September 2013

Getting Schooled

September will never be the same.  Last Tuesday we sent our oldest child to her first day of school.  Preparation for this date began weeks and weeks ago.  Things I had not previously thought much about had now become very important.  It started with backpack and lunch bag choices.  My mother had mentioned to her that she remembered her mommy (me) taking a My Little Pony lunch pail for kindergarten which sparked discussions on what type of lunch bag she would like, and my worry began.

Although she stated that she too would like a My Little Pony lunch bag or Care Bears (still a huge fav in our house) I was hesitant.  I have heard terrible stories from other parents on the young age at which teasing can begin over superficial things.  Due to my worry I talked her into a generic pony patterned matching backpack and lunch bag.

Upon ordering these items online (we live close to no shopping) the option was presented to have the bags customized with your child's name embroidered on the back.  At first I was a sell, thinking how cute, and perfect something I won't have to put a name sticker on; but then fear.   Thankfully I didn't inform her of this choice and decided against it because I have watched too many Dateline episodes warning against this type of thing.

Next decision was the actual containers in which to place the packed lunch in.  I cannot convey the amount of time and energy I put into this.  Weeks of consideration and research with an end result of way to expensive containers being ordered.  Then the realization that due to my constant worry and procrastination they probably wouldn't be in on time, followed by purchasing plastic ones for under a $1.50 each from the grocery store. 

Surprise, the Friday prior they did arrive.  The day before her first day we talked about what to expect and what she wanted in her lunch.  We made strawberry mini muffins at her request and cheese crackers shaped into hearts (which she didn't like).  We assembled her lunch and practiced opening the containers, picked out clothes and were ready to rock for the morning of the first day. 

Then it was here, her first day.  We woke up, had breakfast and got dressed.  We snapped a couple of pictures in the yard and off she went to the bus stop with her entourage consisting of her sister, dog, dad and me in tow.  We waited for the bus giving our hugs and kisses before its arrival as not to embarrass her.  The bus arrived and our older neighbour took her under her wing and onto the bus even sitting with her (tear) and away they went. 

I was off to work, so only my husband got to greet her when she returned home.  That night I felt as though I was using my best interrogation tactics sprinkled in with some bribery on her but I am still unclear about all the events that took place on her first day.   I am sure I will never know and that sucks. 

Yesterday was her second day and she was still excited to go, so I guess it couldn't have been too bad.  We all survived the first day, and I understand that this is only the beginning of many more new starts.  September will never be the same.

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