Friday, 13 December 2013
Food for Thought
Saturday, 7 December 2013
I Wish Someone Told Me
We all know nothing in the beginning.
We learn as we go.
Everything you think you know is probably wrong.
Best of luck!
This exercise got me thinking a little bit about the few things I did learn about labour & delivery, postpartum, and life after with a baby. So in honour of my many pregger friends at this time here is a few things I do know, now.
Labour & Delivery
This is way messier then you can ever imagine
After you deliver your baby your body goes into shock as you have been through a major trauma including full out body shakes and shivers. At this point the nurses will be your best buds piling warm blankets fresh out of the oven onto you and you will love them for it
Post Partum
Although some people's body's bounce back not everybody's does. I was told that you will still look pregnant when you leave the hospital and I was prepared for that. I was not prepared to always have an apron of excess skin hanging over my abominate area. I was never super fit or thin but this was still shocking to me and very upsetting. I was always the type of person thinking I would age naturally and would not choose plastic surgery; however, now I would be first in line for a mommy makeover.
Not everyone likes their baby instantly. I loved them but I certainly did not like them until they were about 14 months old. Life can feel a lot like groundhog day, doing the same tasks day in and day out. Don't feel inadequate or like you are a bad person for not being over the moon about the baby stage if it isn't necessarily your thing. I believe everyone has an age that they excel at dealing with. Unfortunately I think I might currently be in mine which mean things may only go downhill from here.
Life After with your Baby
Your baby is not the same as anyone else's baby and so you need to learn the things that your baby likes and techniques that will work on your baby.
Nothing lasts; just when you think you get things figured out they change. This is also true for the not so nice phases and none sleeping as well.
Hand warmers work fantastic to warm bottles on the go.
Adopt your new uniform: skinny pants with full tummy coverage; flat slip on shoes that easily go on and off without bending; short or long sleeved t-shirt with scoop neck for easy access if you are breast feeding; scarf to hide stains on said shirt, hide possible uncomfortable cleavage, and wipe up baby puke; and lastly, a cardigan with pockets to throw pacifiers or whatever in. The cardigan also works wonderful to turn around and wear backwards if you are breastfeeding as a cover, when you do forget the expensive actual cover you bought.
So this is it; about all I do know and I hope it is helpful to all I know that will soon be expecting
Friday, 1 November 2013
Defeating Trick or Treating
Friday, 25 October 2013
Memories Worth Forgetting
The first time was shortly after my second child was born. My oldest was about 1 ½ at the time and I had made an appointment to have our dog groomed. I packed both kids up and headed to town, which is approximately a 30 minute trip. I dropped the dog off assuming we would have about a 30 minute wait; however, I was unpleasantly surprised to find out it would be around 3-4 hours. This was too short to go home but too long to stay unprepared. I attempted to stay in town and by the time we pick up the dog I had two very tired children. One strapped to my chest in a carrier and the other walking beside me. We entered the store to get the dog and by this time the youngest was unhappy and crying. The youngest was whaling really, and my older child was becoming impatient. When we were trying to leave the oldest decided she would like one of the dog toys and when I told her "no" she started having a full out tantrum; laying on the floor kicking and screaming.
I stood in the middle of the store with a new baby crying on my chest, my toddler screaming and rolling on the floor and our 85lb dog jumping around on a leash. I picked the oldest off the floor under my arm and carried her screaming to the car with the other one crying on my chest and the dog tugging at his leash the entire time.
The second instance was much more recent. I had decided that we were going to have a fun girl's day. I thought I would take them skating and then head to the grocery store with the kid's carts. It was to be my youngest child's first time ever skating. I knew right from the beginning that it had the potential to be a bad experience, yet I remained optimistic and pursued on.
We arrived at the area, laced up skates, put on helmets and winter items, and by the time we were going to step foot on the ice I was already exhausted. I grabbed two plastic bar type things provided to assist little ones on the ice and headed out. Instantly, the youngest was not interested in using the aide and only wanted to be held. She started yelling and so I tried to head back to the door to exit. This made her yell louder and when I mentioned to the older one we might have to get off the ice she began to whine as she was not ready to leave yet. I hoisted the youngest onto my hip which was apparently against some kind of safety violation and was scolded by the 14 year old monitor. I injured my back hunched over the youngest while trying to encourage the oldest; all the while trying to act excited and have fun. Not long after I dragged them off the ice pretty upset. They then whined for a treat and I gave in defeated. There is limited selection at the snack bar so they ended up splitting a chocolate bar. Bad, bad, bad decision.
I still had to head to the grocery store to pick up a few thing. By the time we arrived I has two girls beginning to enter a downward sugar spiral. They were beginning to become delirious; but unfortunately our cupboards were bear and so we perserved on into the store. I bent down to there level and threatened them within inches of life and informed them of how I expected they should behave. I believe that they could see through my guise and knew they had me. I mean they had already won the candy bar. Next races insured through the store as well as a game of bumper carts, and run over mommy's feet all the while I am trying not to bust out my possessed my the devil growl and scream at them. I did refrain and kept my cool somewhat; however, I am sure onlookers tisked me behind my back. We made it to the till and my youngest ran over to the greeting cards starting to pull them out. I ran over and told her "no" which provoked a screaming fit. People began to stare at me and wonder if she was injured. I picked her up onto my hip causing her to act out with violence and me trying to restrain her in a publicly appropriate way.
At this moment my oldest thought it would be fun to run away from me. Off she goes looking over her shoulder laughing all the way. I paid for my items, ran after her and grabbed her by the arm. This action caused her to start screaming as well. I dragged them to the car and secured them into their seats. I closed the door and screamed at them in my evil voice. I think I saw them both shutter and the car went silent.
We haven't been back to the store since.
Friday, 18 October 2013
Reasons for Ratings
Friday, 11 October 2013
Cloudy with a Chance of Screaming
Friday, 4 October 2013
The Blame Game
Friday, 27 September 2013
Get Out of My Bed
Friday, 20 September 2013
Dad Envy
Friday, 13 September 2013
Lazy Moms use Diapers
Friday, 6 September 2013
Getting Schooled
Friday, 30 August 2013
Cake Determines Gender?
Friday, 23 August 2013
Ignorance is Bliss
Friday, 16 August 2013
Telling Stories
Friday, 9 August 2013
Too Old?
Friday, 2 August 2013
Riding in Cars with Girls
Friday, 26 July 2013
The Hard Way
Friday, 19 July 2013
If Jaws was a Toddler
Friday, 12 July 2013
King Can Catastrophe
My husband and I had decided to use the divide and conquer method that day. I took the second one to town to run errands and the oldest one stayed with my husband. We have a very limited selection of stores in the town closest to us, so I knew at best I would need to make at least three stops.
We started first with a stop at Wal-mart in hopes that I could get as much as possible at this stop; thankfully since it was Wal-mart her fashion choices didn't stand out as really odd. While travelling through the aisles she decided she needed a snack. As usual I was unprepared and grabbed a box of peanut butter crackers off of the shelf and busted into them.
Now along with her poor fashion choices she sat in the front of the cart munching on the unpaid for crackers with peanut butter everywhere. I noticed now for the first time that the black capris she was wearing had two rather large holes in one leg. She then decided she was all done with sitting in the cart and wanted to move around. This was definitely the cue to exit the store with whatever items we had obtained thus far. Like most shopping trips with children along I ended up leaving the store without getting all the required items; we will live without them a few more days.
It was a long weekend and we had plans with friends and a babysitter coming so of course we required adult beverages. I had my priorities in order and thought we should skip stop two and head straight to stop three, the liquor store.
Upon entry to the liquor store she was already showing signs of being tired but I figured I would be quick as I only needed a case of beer. We headed back to the area where the beer is kept and then it started. "Me tired" she stated, then proceeded to lie in the middle of the isle and roll around. "Feet hurt" she whined and kicked her old cracked rubber boots off revealing broken oozing blisters on her heals.
So there we were, me with 11 king cans in a box on one hip (they were out of cases) and my daughter rolling on the floor in her dirty Care Bear shirt, pants with holes, and bare oozing feet. I scooped her up onto the other hip, threw her boots in with the king cans and headed to the till to pay. I tried and walk with confidence but I could feel the other people's eyes in the busy store burning into the back of my head.
I paid and asked the attendant to help carry my purchases to the car. I figured hey why not by this point. I got into my car, laughed, and vowed to never enter that store again.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Care Bears are the New Black
Friday, 28 June 2013
Bike Rides & Ice Cream
Now we have moved on to toddler tantrums. Although as loud and long as ever, they seem to at least be able to be linked to reason. One of our most recent occurred while attempting to create a lovely girls' night out of a bike ride and ice cream.
I started to get everyone ready. Pulled out bikes and trailer for the smaller one, got helmets down and placed on heads (I am unsure why they must wear a helmet while riding in a bike trailer- but hey I do what I am told). Finally everyone is good to go (the process of getting ready is probably actually longer then the whole trip) and we depart.
I scrapped her kicking and crying off the pavement outside the store and put her into the bike trailer. She started to scream louder. I clicked the buckle around her, a task she normally insists on completing herself. Her tantrum escalates more. We start to bike down the street as people in my neighbourhood stare. She decides to unclick the buckle and try and stand in the moving trailer. My oldest girl is whining that her legs are tired. I pull over on the road fighting to get one back into the trailer while the other is standing crying that she can't possibly peddle the last block home.
Friday, 21 June 2013
Lessons in Determination
1. No hitting
2. No kicking
3. No biting
4. No throwing
5. No pushing
These rules were reciting many times throughout each and every day; and on many occasions my then two and a bit year old recited them as well. On this particular day after I took something away from her she decided to rage against the man and gave me good hoof in the arm. I promptly took action and told her "No, that hurts mommy". Then I followed by asking her to say sorry and tell me what the rules were. This was followed by a 45 minute wait until she finally gave in. Now I would think that for a two and a bit year old that must be equivalent to like a week for an adult.
Since this time I can recall countless struggles due to how stubborn she can be; however this past week this normally troublesome trait shone through in a most positive light.
Last week we took her and her sister to a kind of indoor amusement park type of place. Inside they had something referred to as the rope challenge. Basically this was a series of ropes and beams suspended approximately one and a half stories above the ground. Individuals are harnessed and clipped to tracks on the ceiling and then complete the series of obstacles. My daughter decided she would like to give this a try.
So off the two of us went to line up and wait our turn. The guy running the coarse buckled us in and showed me how to hold on to the clip on the back of her harness in order to keep her more stable. It was at this point that I started to have second thoughts. We climbed up to the first pedestal and looked at the coarse in front of us. Now I was truly thinking I don't want to do this.
I bent down and said "you know we don't have to do this. We can just climb down and go back to the rock wall." She looked up at me and replied "no, I want to". We stood on top of this pedestal for about 10-15 minutes trying to determine our route. During this time some passed us, while others, some four times my little ones age backed out. I bent down at least three more times trying to convince her to back out without sounding scared myself. But she had decided in her head that she was going to do it.
Finally we took our first steps onto the beam. Slowly but surely we made our way through a loop of four obstacles. Then she relented and agreed to my suggestion that we could be done. Thank goodness for that; I had been so stressed during this entire ordeal my calves burned and my arms ached. I don't believe that I could have physically done anymore.
Never have I seen her so determined to complete any challenge and I could not have been more proud. I felt very fortunate to have witnessed the power that stubbornness mixed with a goal can accomplish.
Friday, 14 June 2013
Night Owls
I started out being a person who said things like "my kids won't sleep in my bed" , and "they will just have to learn to sleep through it". Four years in and these statements have been somewhat adjusted. "My kids won't sleep in my bed unless I am to tired to move them back to their own" , and " we just have to get through this".
I have two wonderful girls that I have a great deal of patience with during waking hours. My usual outlook does shift however in the wee hours of night. I have literally been exasperated that my husband has walked down the stairs on the right side and did not miss the fourth step; because, everyone knows that that is the quietest way to get downstairs in my house. I have completed all out army tactics of tuck and roll to try and get out of my kids rooms so they won't see me after dropping them not as gently as I would have hoped to into their cribs. And I have taken the "shhhing" method to extremes as my neighbours have mentioned a hissing noise coming from our house that could have been a gas leak.
All in all we have experienced many sleepless nights in our house. With this being said I am continuously amazed on how little sleep I require to get through a day. I would have never believed anyone if they would have told me everything that I needed to complete in a day after a night of three hours of sleep. I would have laughed and said it impossible; but alas, here I am in it.
In the morning when I get up (I refuse to say "awake" as that would imply that I slept) I know longer speak until that glorious brown caffeinated beverage has graced my lips. Some days are a total fog, just counting hours until I can return to bed.
Many suggestions have been passed my way, most very contradicting. One person stating to try rubbing their backs, while another one warning against it suggesting you wouldn't want them to get used to that. Really I just want them to sleep no matter the means; so, I have tried everything. What I learned is there is no sure fire method, and you can't force a little one to sleep.
Both of my girls are awake typically at least once a night and I am fine with it. Just as clarification they don't require me to help them return to sleep each night, I just hear them in their room. I know that this stage too shall pass. I could be just delusional from the lack of sleep; but, for now I have come to peace with fact that I have rarely slept more than three hours consecutively since 2009.
Presently I am headed to bed, staying positive and hoping for a full nights sleep. Goodnight.
Friday, 7 June 2013
Cake & Friends
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Effortless Perfection
My house has dust bunnies that hardly fit under the furniture and could possibly attack at any moment. I work really hard at most things I do with mediocre results on many occasions. And as hard as I do try to look "put together" I can't count the number of times I have gone to work to find Rice Krispies cemented to my back side or that my underpants are on backwards. This notion of Effortless Perfection is making many a mom feel inadequate
Last week in my house was disastrous. We all had THE SICK. Not one of those 24 hour bugs where it was totally worth it because you lost 3 pounds; but an everyone pukes for 6 days consecutively sick. I can say I have never experienced anything like it. While trying to wipe the puked up Cheerios out of my hair with a baby wipe and decide if my fourth shirt warranted be changed by having enough puke on it yet- It hit me. This is not what I had pictured in my head before my first child was born.
I always say that I was a way better parent before I had kids. I knew everything then. I had visions in my head of being showered and dressing in cute casual clothes, hair done, makeup on with perhaps my children either matching or at least coordinating with me. I can say honestly that not once since becoming a mom has this EVER happened.
I was led to believe that I should be able to keep everything together, with everyone happy and clean including myself. This is just simply untrue and not possible. I know now that people are dishonest and don't want to share what really happens for fear of judgement and feeling inadequate in comparisons to other perceived super moms.
For these reasons and also to add a little more creativity to my life is why I am going to blog. I want to share with all the other questionable parents like me what life with little ones is really like.